04 Jan 2015 Kent, WA – As in most motorsports that race on a laid out course in a series format you have to deal with the weather and to have a plan-B. Rain tires were that plan for this day’s race. The constant drizzle put off any thought of a dry race surface.
Included in this plan-B was waterproof protection for rider and kart. Many forms of covering for the air filter on the 4-stroke motors and just as many forms of protection for the riders. Waterproof from head to toe was a prime objective. The constant drops on the visors had many wiping them off only to get them covered again after the rider in front of you hits a small flow of water as the rain tires do their job biting for traction and shedding water.
Forward motion and centrifugal force created rooster tails that were hard to avoid. Thank goodness for the head to foot protection. No one knows what the next race weather will bring but the ability to race under these conditions, makes anything else a piece of cake.
Great job by the PGP crew to run the race under these weather conditions. Go to the PGP web site for upcoming dates and action.
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World Formula
1st- Davin Strudivant
2nd- Ken Porter
3rd- Lawrence White
LO 206 Heavy
1st- Geoff Newman
2nd- Doug Huggler
3rd- Tony Williamson
LO 206 Light
1st- Kyle Wick
2nd- Kevin Cangie
3rd- Kevin Janders