The dictionary discribes Murphy’s Law as “a facetious or satirical proposition stating that if there is a possibility for something to go wrong, it will go wrong”. Such was the case for Sunday’s race’s at Bremerton. Thick fog slowed the start of racing for obvious reasons, then during time runs a racer got out of the groove and took out a cone. Time to replace the equiptment, not long it time but none the least, lost time. Time runs resume with things going well when all of a sudden a racer blows a seal in the tranny and coats the track from ‘half track’ past the finish. This time consuming cleanup chopped the rest of the time runs. This forced the jump directly into eliminations. Pro class driver’s up first, progressing thru the entrents things going well, then a “power surge” stopped the “tree” just as the third bulb was to light. The racer’s not knowing what happened ran their race. Knowing what happened “race control” called for a re-race. Now came “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. Seem’s like a “transformer” in the power grid decided to “fail” taking all the power to the track with it. END OF RACING. See how Murphy works?